Uropi Wiki

These words are those of the short story De sekrèt Mastori Kornìj

Mastori = of Master (genitive)
seni = old
u = a
flutijegor = flute-player < jego = to play
we = who, which
veno = to come
mulia = mill
od = from
tem = time
po = for, to + verb
vejad = evening gathering
pivo = to drink
koken = cooked (< koko = to…)
retalo = to tell, relate
mo = to me
alten = other
vespen = evening
miki = small, little
viki = village (adj.) < vik (N) = village
avo sta = to take place
-ì = past tense
eke jare for = a few (some) years ago
dudes = 20
bun = good
inmuvo = to move (emotion)
ma = me
id = and
ve -o = future tense
(re)dezo = to say (again)
ja = it (object)
vo = to you (plural)
tal, plur tale = all
wim = as, like
oro = to hear
keri = dear
lisor = reader
te = that
vu = you (plur.)
so sedan = be sitting
-an = -ing
pro = in front of
krug = jug
caj = hot
voko = to speak, talk
ni = our
ter = earth, land
sior = sir, Mr.
ne = not, no
av sen = has been (perfect tense)
avo = to have
mori = dead
ane = without
aʒivad = liveliness < ʒivo = to live
se = it
odia = to day
un = one, people
deto = to do
zi = here
gren = great
komèrk = trade, commerce
mulad = four trade, milling
des = 10
lega = league (distance)
aròn = around
liente = people
apero = to bring
no = to us
li = their
gorn = corn
mulo = to grind
koln/e = hill/s
kroven = covered
ki = with
vint = wind
be dest = on the right
be lif = on the left
vizo = to see
solem = only
flel = wing
virto = to turn
sube = above
aslitis = of little donkeys (genitive plural) < asel = ass, donkey
-it = diminutive
kargen = loaded
op id niz = up & down
vaj = way, path
tra = across, through
sedia = week
prijad = pleasure
su = on
holia = height
klap u flogi = cracking of a whip
krakad = cracking
teil = cloth, canvas
hija…hot = gee up
mulibòb = boy working for a miller
Soldia = Sunday
nu = we
ito = to go
opzà = up there
mulor(a) = miller(‘s wife)
os… te = as… as
bel = beautiful
raja = queen
kebicàrp = headscarf
spis = lace
gor(i) = gold(en)
i som = myself
apero = to bring
fifer = fife
tis = till
posen = late
noc = night
vizo = to see
davo = to give
glajad = joy
ricad = riches
a = to
wajim = unfortunately
France = Frenchmen
Francia = France
stalo = set up, settle, install
vap(i) = steam(-) fabrik = factory
rad = road
= it was
novi = new
atrajan = attractive
nemo = to take
siudad = habit
fabrikor = factory-owner
pavri = poor
stajo = to stay, remain
vark = work
ek, plur. eke = some
probo = to try
kambo (ru) = to fight (back)
ba = but
maj = more
krati = strong
pos = after, then
Doj perdàv = God forbid
vido = to get, become
vido + V-en = passive
lu vidì obvigen = they were obliged
kluzo = to close (down)
nemaj = no longer, no more
vendo = to sell
moj ʒe = may well
flo = to blow
anmuvi = motionless < muvo = to move
dia = day
komunia = commune, parish
apstruo = demolish < struo = to build
hasuj = shanty < has = house, -uj = pejorative suffix
sta = place
vina = vine
olivar = olive-tree
pur = yet, however
bemìd = among, amidst
di = this
da = that
usteno = hold out < teno = to hold
ji = its
sì virtan = were turning
pro = on (continuity) > proìto = to go on
nas = nose
som = same
wo = where
num = now indupen = dipped
maln = flour, meal
dod = since, for
sesdes = sixty
rabicim = furiously
inliamen = in love < liam = love
trad = trade, craft
stalad = settling, setting up
deto mati = to make mad
tra = in, within (time)
tali = whole
ha = him
reno = to run
amutino = to rouse, stir up
aròn = around
klajo = to shout
od = from
hi = his
krat = strength
volo = to want
invifto = to poison < vift = poison
ite ne plur = don’t go
zi = here
za = there
he = he
dezo = to say
po = for, to+Vb
mako = to make
pan = bread
uzo = to use
usfindad = invention < usfindo = to invent < findo = to find
diavli = of the devil, gen. diavel = devil
obwàn = whereas
varko = to work
flesad = breath
Doj = God
mol, mole = much, many
vok = (spoken) word
sim = thus, so
lobo = to praise
nekun = nobody
ekun = somebody
skuco = to listen to
davos = then, at that point
mali = nasty, evil
rabij = rage, rabies
sia inkluzo = to shut oneself up
solenan = solitary < solen = alone
vilgi = wild
tier = beast
oʒe = even
garo = to keep
sia = oneself, self-
(pos)dota = (grand) daughter
ʒika = girl
despìn = fifteen
jaris = of…years gen. plur.
mor = death
ci = her (possessive)
genore = parents
-is = gen. plur.
mold = world
usim = except
(for)pater = (grand) father
pavrita = poor little girl
gano = to earn, gain
ʒivad = living
servo = to serve
mesad = harvest
silkivèrm = silk-worm
o = or
kosamad = gathering
kosamo = to gather
olive = olives
semo = to seem
liamo = to love
ca = her (object)
kida = female child
kid = child, kid
molvos = often
siudo = be used to
ito = to go
kwer = four
podim = on foot
ude = under
brenan = burning
sol = sun
ner = near
paso = to spend (time), to pass
intali = entire
hore = hours
speko = to watch
plojo = to cry, weep
vikan = villager
meno = to think
sendo (ap) = to send (away)
guravid = miserliness
verim = really
honori = honourable
laso = to let, leave
valgo = to wander, to err
uspozen = exposed
brutalad = brutality
formastor = foreman
truble = trouble, -s
servan ʒika = servant girl
je = it
os = also
pej = bad, badly
kospeken = considered < kospeko = to consider < speko = to watch
benomad = renoun, reputation
benomen = famous < nom = name
tis davos = so far
avì + V-en = had + V-ed (pluperfect)
ruspeko = to respect
strad = street
veri = true, real
valgan = tramp, vagabond, wanderer
nukipodim = barefoot < nuki = naked, bare
pod = foot
-im = -ly (adverbs)
poren = with a hole in it < por = hole > poro = to pierce, bore
gint = belt
vulni = woollen
lope = tatters
wan = when (conjunc.)
be Soldias = on Sundays
ito in = to go in(to)
misa = mass
senin = old man < seni = old
so skanden = be ashamed < skand = shame
ov = about, of, on
felo = to feel
samòl = so much
vozo = to dare
sedo = to sit
cevi = main, chief
banc = bench
talvos = always
be bond = at the bottom, at the back
kerk = church
pavre = poor people
vaska = basin, bowl
bundezen = blessed < bundezo = to bless < bun = good + dezo = to say
vod = water ekwa = something (ek = some + wa = what)
klar = clear
dod longim = for a long time
nekun maj = nobody…any more
pero = to carry, to bear
ho = to him
hi muliu = of his mill
-u = genitive of nouns ending in -a
foram = formerly
kogono = to meet
duto = to lead
pro = forward, in front of
magi = huge
campore = country-people < camp = the country
je it bun = things are going well
ʒe = emphatic particle (very, much, really, well…)
mulitràd = milling-trade
mi = my
ruvoko = to answer (lit. to speak back
ru = back)
satizen = satisfied
usvìz = look, air, expression < vizo = to see
dask a = thanks to
daske = thank you
disato = to lack < sat(o) = (be) enough
is = if
prago = to ask
od ko? = where from?
mozo = can
seto = to put, set
dig = finger
libe = lips
gravim = gravely
ccc… = hush
usportad = export
nevos = never
trajo = to draw
vord = word
glado = to look at
doʒo = must
ʒe ne = even not
Vivette som = Vivette herself
ito in = go in vado pas = to walk past
dor = door
gren = big, large, great
muvad = movement
pastijo = to graze
graz = grass
proplàz = esplanade
magri = lean, meagre
solibano = to sunbathe < sia bano = to bathe
ban = bath
probèr de fenti = the window-sill < ber = edge, rim, brim, bank
fent = window
baso = to throw, cast
glad = look (eyes)
tal da = all that
dufo od = to smell of
misterij = mystery
disblato = to gossip < blato = to chat
deto + Vb = to make + Vb
jakun = every one, each one < jaki = each + un = one
siavi = own
mod = way, manner
rumad = rumour < rum = noise
jok = still
maj…te = more…than
monet = coin
maln = flour < mulo = to grind
in longi durad = in the long run
diskrovo = discover < krovo = cover
wim = how
usveno = to happen < veno = to come
jun = young
june = young people
beglizo = to notice, catch a glimpse of < glizo = to glance at
un bel dia = one fine day
de senies = de maj seni = the oldest (superlative)
bob = boy
inliamo ki = fall in love with
unaltem = each other, one another
priʒe = rather
par = because
honoren = honoured
be na = at our house, in our village, country
avev = would have (-ev = conditional)
je avev sen = it would have been (past conditional)
prijad = pleasure < prijo = to please
prijim = please
lovi = lovely, pretty
sparlita = little (female) sparrow
sparlit = little sparrow < sparel = sparrow
hopo = to hop
du = two
liamor = lover
sam = together
apito = to avoid
obfàl = accident
aprego = to settle (question)
del = matter, business
sapru = immediately
ito op = to go up
vols = fox
vu avev doʒen vizo = you should have seen (past conditional)
procepo = to welcome
anmozli = impossible < mozli = possible < mozo = can
opro = to open
usklaro = to explain < klar = clear
tru = through
slokipòr = key-hole < slok = lock + por = hole
trawan = while
rugan = roguish, rogue
fendo = finish
fend = end
anruspekim = disrespectfully
an- = un-
ito ru = to go back
is i sev (conditional) = if I was
hasti = in a hurry < hast = haste, hurry
maʒen = married
maʒo = to marry, to get married
ceko = to look for, to seek
inpicto = to picture, imagine < pict = picture > picto = to paint
kim? = how?
glod = blood
cajo = to heat < caj = hot
(sat) vis = wise (enough)
oʒepùr = all the same < oʒe = even
ruteno = to hold back
sia ruteno = to restrain oneself
matin = madman < mati = mad
mulikàm = millstone
ruveno = to come back
cans = luck, chance
ankulpen = innocent < kulpi = guilty
kulp = guilt, fault
kreo = to believe
usvito = to implore < vito = to beg, to bid
pomozo = to allow
lo = to them
obe = both
karʒad = courage < karʒ = heart
apnego = to refuse < nego = to deny
ap = off, away
aveno = to arrive < veno = to come
puntim = just, exactly
ito us = to go out
klijo (ki du virte) = to (double)-lock < klij = key
skal = ladder, scale
usia =outside < us = out
anmidim = immediately
wa = what, which
celen = hidden < celo = to hide, conceal
famos = famous kamar = bedroom
benìz (de skalia) = below, beneath (downstairs)
skalia = stairs
mizeric = miserable
mizerij = misery
aplasen = forlorn < aplaso = to abandon < laso = to leave
led = bed
vestuje = rags, old clothes < veste = clothes
pez = piece
oblasen = forgotten
step = step
kant = corner
tri = three
usbonden = burst, staved in < bond = bottom
laso us = to let out
apstrui disbreke = rubble < apstruo = demolish + disbreke = debris < breko = to break
kalkari = chalky
ter = earth
plast(i) = plaster(-)
wen = whom, which (object)
savo = to save
nemo ap = to take away, off
nemo = to take
posni = last
kliènt = customer, client
virto in vuz = to turn empty
vuz = vacuum
reno ru = to run back
banen in ploje = bathed in tears
disriso = to rend, to tear up < riso = to tear, rip
perlaso = to lose
a dom = home, to the home of
nersan = neighbour < ner = near
storij = story
koveno = to agree
je stì = there was, were
je ste = there is, are
grinia = granary
sim dezen
sim deten = no sooner said than done
seto sia su vaj = to set out (on the way)
beprù = soon
prosesiòn = procession
di vos = this time
keb = head
intra = between
mand = hand
ruvenan = on his return
apsàd = absence
prinito = to penetrate
be ha = into his house
suprizo = to surprise
trist = sad
pavri ma ! = poor me !
jamo = to moan
nudo = to need
moro = to die
dihonoren = dishonoured
sojo = to sob
karʒirisim = in a heartrending way
nomo = to call, to name
meli = tender
jo = to it
persòn = person inizo = to begin, start
lud = loud
hoj ! = ahoy! hullo there!
zis = here is, here are
akumo = to pile up < kum = heap, pile
vid + Ven = (passive)
roʒ = reddish-brown
spajo = to spill
bod = ground
zate = sides
oje = eyes
de kul = the hollow
redezo = to repeat < dezo = to say
laro = to laugh
Sir = lord
bun = well, good
sia volto = to turn (oneself) round
do = towards
zavo = to know
vu venev ru = you would come back (-ev = conditional)
robor = thief, robber < robo = to steal, rob
pero in triùmf = to carry in triumph
doʒo = must
prim = first(ly)
pri = first
ekwa po jedo = something to eat
dod sa longim = for such a long time
sa = so
avo nit a giso = not to have a bite to eat
giso = to bite
flujo (us) = to flow (out)
a dest = to the right
a lif = to the left
riso = to tear
suvizo = to keep an eye on, oversee, supervise
sì vidan triven = was being ground
trivo = to grind
fin = fine
flevo op = to fly up
subia = ceiling < sube = above
deto justid a ekun = to do somebody justice
nevos maj = nevermore
morna = morning
stopo = to stop
po evim = forever
Kornìj moren = once K. was dead
nemo hi sta = to take his place
tal = everything
fend = end
mold = world
paso = to pass
daz + genitive = that of
vodikotca = horse-
